Deploying a Web Application with Kubernetes

Project Description: In this hands-on project, you will learn how to deploy a web application using Kubernetes. You will be deploying a simple web application that displays “Hello World” when accessed via a web browser. The application will consist of two containers: one container that runs a web server and another container that serves as a database.
Prerequisites: To complete this project, you should have the following:
- Basic knowledge of Docker containers
- Basic knowledge of Kubernetes
- A local Kubernetes cluster or access to a cloud-based Kubernetes environment
- kubectl command-line tool installed on your machine
Project Tasks:
- Build Docker images for the web server and database containers.
- Create Kubernetes deployment files for the web server and database containers.
- Create a Kubernetes service to expose the web server to the outside world.
- Test the application by accessing it via a web browser.
- Scale the web server to handle more traffic.
- Update the application by deploying a new version of the web server container.
- Roll back the application to the previous version.
Project Deliverables: At the end of the project, you should have the following:
- Docker images for the web server and database containers.
- Kubernetes deployment files for the web server and database containers.
- A Kubernetes service that exposes the web server to the outside world.
- A working web application that displays “Hello World” when accessed via a web browser.
- A documented process for scaling the web server, updating the application, and rolling back to a previous version.
Project Duration: The project should take approximately 4–6 hours to complete, depending on your level of experience with Docker and Kubernetes.
Note: This is a beginner-level project, so the web application is intentionally simple. You can extend this project by adding more features to the web application or deploying a more complex application with multiple containers.
This manifest file creates a Kubernetes deployment and service for a web application consisting of two containers — a web server and a database. The deployment ensures that there is always one replica of each container running, while the service exposes the web server to the outside world on port 80 using a load balancer.

Note that the actual image names and registry will depend on your own setup. Also, depending on your specific needs, you may want to modify the manifest file to include additional configuration settings, such as resource limits or environment variables for the containers.